PC-Kimmo Function Library Reference Manual

two-level processor functions for morphological analysis

version 2.1.0

October 1997

by Stephen McConnel

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the PC-Kimmo function library

One of the original design goals of the PC-Kimmo program was to produce a reusable function library that could be used in different programs or with different user interfaces. The functions and data structures described in this manual are a result of that design goal.

The PC-Kimmo function library can be used for programs that need to handle the morphology and phonology of natural language using the two-level morphology originally invented by Kimmo Koskenniemi. (His use of the term morphology should be understood to encompass both what linguists would consider morphology proper--the decomposition of words into morphemes--and phonology--at least in the sense of morphophonemics.)

The author would appreciate feedback directed to the following address:

Stephen McConnel                 (972)708-7361 (office)
Language Software Development    (972)708-7561 (fax)
SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236                 steve@acadcomp.sil.org
U.S.A.                        or steve.mcconnel@sil.org

2. Variable and function naming conventions

The basic goal behind choosing names in the PC-Kimmo function library is for the name to convey information about what it represents. This is achieved in two ways: striving for a descriptive name rather than a short cryptic abbreviated name, and following a different pattern of capitalization for each type of name.

2.1 Preprocessor macro names

Preprocessor macro names are written entirely in capital letters. If the name requires more than one word for an adequate description, the words are joined together with intervening underscore (_) characters.

2.2 Data structure names

Data structure names consist of one or more capitalized words. If the name requires more than one word for an adequate description, the words are joined together without underscores, depending on the capitalization pattern to make them readable as separate words.

2.3 Variable names

Variable names in the PC-Kimmo function library follow a modified form of the Hungarian naming convention described by Steve McConnell in his book Code Complete on pages 202-206.

Variable names have three parts: a lowercase type prefix, a descriptive name, and a scope suffix.

2.3.1 Type prefix

The type prefix has the following basic possibilities:

a Boolean, usually encoded as a char, short, or int
a character, usually a char but sometimes a short or int
a double precision floating point number, that is, a double
an enumeration, encoded as an enum or as a char, short, or int
an integer, that is, an int, short, long, or (rarely) char
a data structure defined by a struct statement
a NUL (that is, zero) terminated character string
a pointer to a function

In addition, the basic types may be prefixed by these qualifiers:

indicates that an integer or a character is unsigned
indicates an array of the basic type
indicates a pointer to the type, possibly a pointer to an array or to a pointer

2.3.2 Descriptive name

The descriptive name portion of a variable name consists of one or more capitalized words concatenated together. There are no underscores (_) separating these words from each other, or from the type prefix. For the PC-Kimmo function library, the descriptive name for global variables begins with Kimmo.

2.3.3 Scope suffix

The scope suffix has these possibilities:

indicates a global variable accessible throughout the program
indicates a module (semiglobal) variable accessible throughout the file (declared static)
indicates a function argument used for input
indicates a function argument used for output (must be a pointer)
indicates a function argument used for both input and output (must be a pointer)
indicates a function variable that retains its value between calls (declared static)

The lack of a scope suffix indicates that a variable is declared within a function and exists on the stack for the duration of the current call.

2.4 Function names

Global function names in the PC-Kimmo function library have two parts: a verb that is all lowercase followed by a noun phrase containing one or more capitalized words. These pieces are concatanated without any intervening underscores (_). For the PC-Kimmo library functions, the noun phrase section includes Kimmo.

2.5 Examples

Given the discussion above, it is easy to discern at a glance what type of item each of the following names refers to.

is a preprocessor macro.
is a data structure.
is a local pointer variable.
is a function (that may apply to a data structure named SampleName).

3. PC-Kimmo data structures

The PC-Kimmo functions operate on a number of different data structures. The most important of these are described in the following sections. The PC-Kimmo functions also use a number of other data structures internally, but it should not be necessary for a programmer to manipulate them directly.

3.1 KimmoData

3.1.1 Definition

#include <stdio.h>
 *  type definition for KimmoData * needed for patr.h
typedef struct kimmo_data KimmoData;
#include "patr.h"               /* needed for PATRData */
 *  forward declarations for internal data types
typedef struct kimmo_alternation KimmoAlternation;
typedef struct kimmo_lexicon     KimmoLexicon;
typedef struct kimmo_pair        KimmoPair;
typedef struct kimmo_rule        KimmoRule;
typedef struct kimmo_subset      KimmoSubset;

struct kimmo_data {
     *  parameters for controlling the PC-Kimmo processing
    char                bLimit;
    char                iTraceLevel;
    char                bUsePATR;
    char                bSilent;
    char                bShowWarnings;
    char                bAlignment;
    unsigned char       cGlossBegin;
    unsigned char       cGlossEnd;
    unsigned char       cComment;
    FILE *              pLogFP;
     *  loaded or derived from the rules file
    unsigned char **    ppszAlphabet;
    unsigned short      uiAlphabetSize;
    unsigned char       cNull;
    unsigned char       cAny;
    unsigned char       cBoundary;
    char                bTwoLCFile;
    KimmoSubset *       pSubsets;
    unsigned short      uiSubsetCount;
    KimmoRule *         pAutomata;
    unsigned short      uiAutomataSize;
    KimmoPair *         pFeasiblePairs;
    unsigned short      uiFeasiblePairsCount;
    char *              pszRulesFile;
     *  loaded or derived from the lexicon file
    KimmoAlternation *  pAlternations;
    unsigned short      uiAlternationCount;
    KimmoLexicon *      pLexiconSections;
    KimmoLexicon *      pInitialLexicon;
    unsigned short      uiLexiconSectionCount;
    unsigned char **    ppszFeatures;
    unsigned short      uiFeatureCount;
    char *              pszLexiconFile;
     *  loaded or derived from the grammar file
    PATRData            sPATR;

3.1.2 Description

The KimmoData data structure collects the information used for data processing within the PC-Kimmo functions. Its general purpose is to reduce the number of parameters needed by the various functions.

limits the processing to a single good result if TRUE (nonzero).
is the degree of tracing output desired from PC-Kimmo processes (0 means none).
causes the word grammar to be applied to the output of the two-level processor. (This requires that a grammar file be loaded).
disables messages to the "standard error" stream (stderr).
enables warning messages as well as error messages.
causes recognizer file or screen output to be aligned vertically (underlying form above gloss) if TRUE.
are the characters that optionally surround morphnames in synthesizer input strings.
is the character that begins a comment in an input line. (KIMMO_DEFAULT_COMMENT is a symbol for the default value.)
is the FILE pointer for an output log file (NULL means none).
points to a dynamically allocated array of alphabetic characters. The "characters" are stored as strings since they may be digraphs, trigraphs, etc. A maximum of 252 different characters may be stored. The array is NULL terminated.
is the number of alphabetic "characters" in the array.
is the "null" character.
is the "wild card" character that matches any character.
is the word boundary character that matches the beginning or the end of a word.
records whether the rules were loaded from a TwoLC type rules file.
points to a dynamically allocated array of alphabet subset data structures.
is the number of alphabet subsets in the array.
points to a dynamically allocated array of two-level automata data structures.
is the number of rules in the automata array.
points to a dynamically allocated array of feasible pair data structures.
is the number of feasible pairs in the array.
points to the name of the current PC-Kimmo rules file (NULL means none).
points to a dynamically allocated array of lexicon section alternation (continuation class) data structures.
is the number of alternations in the array.
points to an array of PC-Kimmo lexicon data structures, one for each section of the lexicon.
points to the logical first ("INITIAL") section of lexicon.
is the number of sections (data structures) in the lexicon array.
points to a dynamically allocated array of possible feature (template) labels.
is the number of feature labels in the array.
points to the name of the current PC-Kimmo lexicon file (NULL means none).
contains the information loaded from the grammar file, which includes the name of the current PC-Kimmo word grammar file.

3.1.3 Source File


3.2 KimmoResult

3.2.1 Definition

 *  type definition for KimmoResult * needed for patr.h
typedef struct kimmo_result KimmoResult;
#include "patr.h"               /* needed for PATREdgeList */
 *  forward declaration for internal data type
typedef struct kimmo_morpheme KimmoMorpheme;

struct kimmo_result {
    KimmoResult *       pNext;
    unsigned char *     pszSynthesis;
    KimmoMorpheme *     pAnalysis;
    PATREdgeList *      pParseChart;            
    unsigned char *     pszResult;
    unsigned char *     pszGloss;
    short               bOkay;

3.2.2 Description

The KimmoResult data structure contains a single result from one of the PC-Kimmo processing functions (applyKimmoGenerator, applyKimmoRecognizer, or applyKimmoSynthesizer). It can be used to build a linked list for ambiguous results.

points to the next result, if any.
points to a synthesized surface form created by applyKimmoGenerator or applyKimmoSynthesizer.
points to a list of morpheme data structures created by applyKimmoRecognizer.
points to a PATR parse chart created by applyKimmoRecognizer.
points to a result string created by applyKimmoGenerator, applyKimmoRecognizer, or applyKimmoSynthesizer. It differs from pszSynthesis in that it has the "null" characters removed.
points to a "gloss" string created by applyKimmoRecognizer.
is a Boolean variable made available for programmar use. It is set FALSE by applyKimmoGenerator, applyKimmoRecognizer, and applyKimmoSynthesizer.

3.2.3 Source File


4. The PC-Kimmo function library global variables

This chapter gives the proper usage information about each of the global variables found in the PC-Kimmo function library. The `kimmo.h' header file contains the extern declarations for all of these variables.

4.1 bCancelKimmoOperation_g

4.1.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern int      bCancelKimmoOperation_g;

4.1.2 Description

bCancelKimmoOperation_g can be set asynchronously to interrupt a PC-Kimmo parse that seems to be stuck.

4.1.3 Example

#include <signal.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
#include "patr.h"
void sigint_handler(int iSignal_in)
bCancelKimmoOperation_g = TRUE;
bCancelPATROperation_g = TRUE;  /* remember embedded PATR parser */
signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);
signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);

4.1.4 Source File


4.2 cKimmoPatchSep_g

4.2.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern const char       cKimmoPatchSep_g;

4.2.2 Description

cKimmoPatchSep_g is used to separate the revision and patch level values when printing the PC-Kimmo version number. 'a' indicates an alpha release, 'b' indicates a beta release, and '.' indicates a production release.

4.2.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.2.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.3 iKimmoPatchlevel_g

4.3.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern const int        iKimmoPatchlevel_g;

4.3.2 Description

iKimmoPatchlevel_g is the current patch level of the PC-Kimmo function library and program. This is the third level version number, reflecting bug fixes or internal improvements that should be functionally invisible to users.

4.3.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.3.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.4 iKimmoRevision_g

4.4.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern const int        iKimmoRevision_g;

4.4.2 Description

iKimmoRevision_g is the current revision level of the PC-Kimmo function library and program. This is the second level version number, reflecting changes to program behavior that require changes to the PC-Kimmo Reference Manual.

4.4.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.4.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.5 iKimmoVersion_g

4.5.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern const int        iKimmoVersion_g;

4.5.2 Description

iKimmoVersion_g is the current version number of the PC-Kimmo function library and program. This is the top level version number, reflecting a major rewrite of the program or major changes that make it incompatible with earlier versions of the program.

4.5.3 Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
        "PC-Kimmo version %d.%d%c%d (%s), Copyright %s SIL\n",
        iKimmoVersion_g, iKimmoRevision_g, cKimmoPatchSep_g,
        iKimmoPatchlevel_g, pszKimmoDate_g, pszKimmoYear_g);
#ifdef __DATE__
fprintf(stderr, pszKimmoCompileFormat_g,
        pszKimmoCompileDate_g, pszKimmoCompileTime_g);
if (pszKimmoTestVersion_g != NULL)
    fputs(pszKimmoTestVersion_g, stderr);

4.5.4 Source File


4.6 pszKimmoCompileDate_g

4.6.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

#ifdef __DATE__
extern const char *     pszKimmoCompileDate_g;

4.6.2 Description

pszKimmoCompileDate_g points to a string containing the date on which the PC-Kimmo library was compiled. It exists only if the C compiler preprocessor supports the __DATE__ constant.

4.6.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.6.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.7 pszKimmoCompileFormat_g

4.7.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

#ifdef __DATE__
#ifdef __TIME__
extern const char *     pszKimmoCompileFormat_g;

4.7.2 Description

pszKimmoCompileFormat_g points to a printf style format string suitable for displaying pszKimmoCompileDate_g and pszKimmoCompileTime_g. It exists only if the C compiler preprocessor supports the __DATE__ and __TIME__ constants.

4.7.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.7.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.8 pszKimmoCompileTime_g

4.8.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

#ifdef __TIME__
extern const char *     pszKimmoCompileTime_g;

4.8.2 Description

pszKimmoCompileTime_g points to a string containing the time at which the PC-Kimmo library was compiled. It exists only if the C compiler preprocessor supports the __TIME__ constant.

4.8.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.8.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.9 pszKimmoDate_g

4.9.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern const char *     pszKimmoDate_g;

4.9.2 Description

pszKimmoDate_g points to a string containing the date on which the PC-Kimmo library was last modified.

4.9.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.9.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.10 pszKimmoTestVersion_g

4.10.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

#ifndef __DATE__
extern const char *     pszKimmoTestVersion_g;

4.10.2 Description

pszKimmoTestVersion_g points to a string describing the test status of PC-Kimmo (either alpha or beta). If this is a production release version, it is set to NULL. It is defined only if the C compiler preprocessor does not support the __DATE__ constant.

4.10.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.10.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.11 pszKimmoYear_g

4.11.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern const char *     pszKimmoYear_g;

4.11.2 Description

pszKimmoYear_g points to a string containing the year in which the PC-Kimmo library was last modified. This is suitable for a copyright notice assigning the copyright to SIL International.

4.11.3 Example See section 4.5 iKimmoVersion_g.

4.11.4 Source File `kimmdata.c'

4.12 uiKimmoCharArraySize_g

4.12.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern size_t   uiKimmoCharArraySize_g;

4.12.2 Description

uiKimmoCharArraySize_g determines how big a buffer is allocated for holding strings loaded from the PC-Kimmo lexicon. A larger size reduces the number of calls to malloc, and the amount of memory overhead lost for each allocation, but increases the amount of memory wasted by not being used. The default value is 8000. Setting uiKimmoCharArraySize_g to 0 causes each lexicon string to be individually allocated with malloc.

4.12.3 Example

#include "kimmo.h"
unsigned char   szLexiconFile_g[256];
KimmoData       sKimmoData_g;
uiKimmoCharArraySize_g    = 16364;
uiKimmoLexItemArraySize_g = 16364;
uiKimmoShortArraySize_g   = 16364;
if (loadKimmoLexicon(szLexiconFile_g, KIMMO_ANALYSIS,
                     &sKimmoData_g) != 0)
    reportError(ERROR_MSG, "Cannot open lexicon file %s\n",

4.12.4 Source File


4.13 uiKimmoLexItemArraySize_g

4.13.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern size_t   uiKimmoLexItemArraySize_g;

4.13.2 Description

uiKimmoLexItemArraySize_g determines how many lexical item data structures are allocated at a time while loading the PC-Kimmo lexicon. A larger size reduces the number of calls to malloc, and the amount of memory overhead lost for each allocation, but increases the amount of memory wasted by not being used. The default value is 1000. Setting uiKimmoLexItemArraySize_g to 0 causes each lexical item data structure to be individually allocated with malloc.

4.13.3 Example See section 4.12 uiKimmoCharArraySize_g.

4.13.4 Source File `lexicon.c'

4.14 uiKimmoShortArraySize_g

4.14.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

extern size_t   uiKimmoShortArraySize_g;

4.14.2 Description

uiKimmoShortArraySize_g determines how large an array of short integers is allocated for dispensing to the individual lexical items while loading the PC-Kimmo lexicon. A larger size reduces the number of calls to malloc, and the amount of memory overhead lost for each allocation, but increases the amount of memory wasted by not being used. The default value is 2000. Setting uiKimmoShortArraySize_g to 0 causes each lexical item data structure's array of short integers to be individually allocated with malloc.

4.14.3 Example See section 4.12 uiKimmoCharArraySize_g.

4.14.4 Source File `lexicon.c'

5. PC-Kimmo functions

This document gives the proper usage information about each of the functions found in the PC-Kimmo function library. The prototypes and type definitions relevent to the use of these functions are all found in the `kimmo.h' header file.

5.1 applyKimmoGenerator

5.1.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

KimmoResult * applyKimmoGenerator(unsigned char * pszLexForm_in,
                                  KimmoData *     pKimmo_in);

5.1.2 Description

applyKimmoGenerator tries to generate the surface form of a word from the provided lexical form. The PC-Kimmo rules must be loaded before this function is called.

The arguments to applyKimmoGenerator are as follows:

points to a character string containing the lexical (underlying) form of a word.
points to the data for the current language.

5.1.3 Return Value

a pointer to a list of results, or NULL if unsuccessful

5.1.4 Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
KimmoData       sKimmoData_g;
void do_generate(pszForm_in)
unsigned char * pszForm_in;
unsigned char * pszLexForm;
KimmoResult *   pResults;

if ((sKimmoData_g.ppszAlphabet == NULL) || (pszForm_in == NULL))
pszLexForm = pszForm_in + strspn((char *)pszForm_in, " \t\r\n\f");
if (*pszLexForm == '\0')
if (sKimmoData_g.pLogFP != NULL)
    fprintf(sKimmoData_g.pLogFP, "%s\n", pszLexForm);

pResults = applyKimmoGenerator(pszLexForm, &sKimmoData_g);

writeKimmoResults(pResults, stderr, &sKimmoData_g);
if (sKimmoData_g.pLogFP != NULL)
    writeKimmoResults(pResults, sKimmoData_g.pLogFP, &sKimmoData_g);

5.1.5 Source File


5.2 applyKimmoRecognizer

5.2.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

KimmoResult * applyKimmoRecognizer(unsigned char * pszSurfaceForm_in,
                                   KimmoData *     pKimmo_in);

5.2.2 Description

applyKimmoRecognizer tries to analyze the provided surface form of a word to create the lexical (underlying) form divided into morphemes. If the word can be divided into morphemes, and a word grammar has been loaded, applyKimmoRecognizer also tries to parse the list of morphemes to create a word parse chart with related feature structures.

The PC-Kimmo rules and lexicon must be loaded before applyKimmoRecognizer is called. If a word parse is desired, the word grammar must also be loaded before calling this function.

The arguments to applyKimmoRecognizer are as follows:

points to a character string containing the surface form of a word.
points to the data for the current language.

5.2.3 Return Value

a pointer to a list of results, or NULL if unsuccessful

5.2.4 Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
KimmoData       sKimmoData_g;
void do_recognize(pszForm_in)
unsigned char * pszForm_in;
unsigned char * pszSurfForm;
KimmoResult *   pResults;

if (    (sKimmoData_g.ppszAlphabet     == NULL) ||
        (sKimmoData_g.pLexiconSections == NULL) ||
        (pszForm_in == NULL) )
pszSurfForm = pszForm_in + strspn((char *)pszForm_in, " \t\r\n\f");
if (*pszSurfForm == '\0')
if (sKimmoData_g.pLogFP != NULL)
    fprintf(sKimmoData_g.pLogFP, "%s\n", pszSurfForm);

pResults = applyKimmoRecognizer(pszSurfForm, &sKimmoData_g);

writeKimmoResults(pResults, stderr, &sKimmoData_g);
if (sKimmoData_g.pLogFP != NULL)
    writeKimmoResults(pResults, sKimmoData_g.pLogFP, &sKimmoData_g);

5.2.5 Source File


5.3 applyKimmoSynthesizer

5.3.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

KimmoResult * applyKimmoSynthesizer(unsigned char * pszMorphemes_in,
                                    KimmoData *     pKimmo_in);

5.3.2 Description

applyKimmoSynthesizer tries to synthesize a word from a string containing an ordered list of morpheme names (glosses) separated by spaces. The PC-Kimmo rules and synthesis lexicon must be loaded before this function is called.

The arguments to applyKimmoSynthesizer are as follows:

points to a character string containing an ordered list of morpheme names (glosses) separated by spaces.
points to the data for the current language. The lexicon stored in the data must be accessible by gloss (morpheme name) rather than by lexical (underlying) form.

5.3.3 Return Value

a pointer to a list of results, or NULL if unsuccessful

5.3.4 Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
KimmoData       sKimmoData_g;
KimmoData       sSynthesisData_g;
static void fix_synthesis_data()
sSynthesisData_g.bLimit               = sKimmoData_g.bLimit;
sSynthesisData_g.iTraceLevel          = sKimmoData_g.iTraceLevel;
sSynthesisData_g.bUsePATR             = sKimmoData_g.bUsePATR;
sSynthesisData_g.bSilent              = sKimmoData_g.bSilent;
sSynthesisData_g.bShowWarnings        = sKimmoData_g.bShowWarnings;
sSynthesisData_g.bAlignment           = sKimmoData_g.bAlignment;
sSynthesisData_g.cGlossBegin          = sKimmoData_g.cGlossBegin;
sSynthesisData_g.cGlossEnd            = sKimmoData_g.cGlossEnd;
sSynthesisData_g.cComment             = sKimmoData_g.cComment;
sSynthesisData_g.pLogFP               = sKimmoData_g.pLogFP;
sSynthesisData_g.ppszAlphabet         = sKimmoData_g.ppszAlphabet;
sSynthesisData_g.uiAlphabetSize       = sKimmoData_g.uiAlphabetSize;
sSynthesisData_g.cNull                = sKimmoData_g.cNull;
sSynthesisData_g.cAny                 = sKimmoData_g.cAny;
sSynthesisData_g.cBoundary            = sKimmoData_g.cBoundary;
sSynthesisData_g.bTwoLCFile           = sKimmoData_g.bTwoLCFile;
sSynthesisData_g.pSubsets             = sKimmoData_g.pSubsets;
sSynthesisData_g.uiSubsetCount        = sKimmoData_g.uiSubsetCount;
sSynthesisData_g.pAutomata            = sKimmoData_g.pAutomata;
sSynthesisData_g.uiAutomataSize       = sKimmoData_g.uiAutomataSize;
sSynthesisData_g.pFeasiblePairs       = sKimmoData_g.pFeasiblePairs;
sSynthesisData_g.uiFeasiblePairsCount =
sSynthesisData_g.pszRulesFile         = sKimmoData_g.pszRulesFile;
memset(&sSynthesisData_g.sPATR, 0, sizeof(PATRData));

void do_synthesize(pszForm_in)
unsigned char * pszForm_in;
unsigned char * pszMorphForm;
KimmoResult *   pResults;

if (    (sKimmoData_g.ppszAlphabet == NULL) ||
        (sSynthesisData_g.pLexiconSections == NULL) ||
        (pszForm_in == NULL) )
pszMorphForm = pszForm_in + strspn((char *)pszForm_in, " \t\r\n\f");
if (*pszMorphForm == '\0')

if (sKimmoData_g.pLogFP != NULL)
    fprintf(sKimmoData_g.pLogFP, "%s\n", pszMorphForm);

pResults = applyKimmoSynthesizer(pszMorphForm, &sKimmoData_g);

writeKimmoResults(pResults, stderr, &sKimmoData_g);
if (sKimmoData_g.pLogFP != NULL)
    writeKimmoResults(pResults, sKimmoData_g.pLogFP, &sKimmoData_g);

5.3.5 Source File


5.4 checkKimmoRuleStatus

5.4.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

int checkKimmoRuleStatus(int         iRule_in,
                         KimmoData * pKimmo_in);

5.4.2 Description

checkKimmoRuleStatus checks whether or not the given rule is active.

The arguments to checkKimmoRuleStatus are as follows:

is the number of a loaded PC-Kimmo rule. The first rule is numbered 1, not 0 as in C arrays.
points to the data for the current language.

5.4.3 Return Value

TRUE if the given rule is active, otherwise FALSE

5.4.4 Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
void show_rule_status(KimmoData * pKimmo_in)
int     i;
int     iCount;
int     iWidth;
int     bActive;

if (pKimmo_in->uiAutomataSize == 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "    There are no rules.\n");
for ( iCount = 0, i = 1 ; i <= pKimmo_in->uiAutomataSize ; ++i )
    if (checkKimmoRuleStatus(i, pKimmo_in))
if (iCount == pKimmo_in->uiAutomataSize)
    fprintf(stderr, "    Rules are ALL ON.\n");
if (iCount == 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "    Rules are ALL OFF.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "    Rules are");
iWidth = 13;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= pKimmo_in->uiAutomataSize ; ++i )
    if (iWidth == 0)
        fputs("             ", stderr);
        iWidth = 13;
    bActive = checkKimmoRuleStatus(i, pKimmo_in);
    if (i < pKimmo_in->uiAutomataSize)
        fprintf(stderr, "%3d %s", i, bActive ? "ON, ":"OFF,");
        iWidth += 8;
        fprintf(stderr, "%3d %s", i, bActive ? "ON ":"OFF");
        iWidth += 7;
    if (iWidth >= 72)
        putc( '\n', stderr);
        iWidth = 0;
if (iLength != 0)
    putc( '\n', stderr);

5.4.5 Source File


5.5 concatKimmoMorphFeatures

5.5.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

unsigned char * concatKimmoMorphFeatures(
                                KimmoMorpheme * pMorphemes_in,
                                char *          pszSeparate_in,
                                KimmoData *     pKimmo_in);

5.5.2 Description

concatKimmoMorphFeatures concatenates the feature names from a list of morphemes created by applyKimmoRecognizer as part of a KimmoResult data structure.

The arguments to concatKimmoMorphFeatures are as follows:

points to a list of morpheme data structures, usually the pAnalysis element of a KimmoResult data structure.
points to a character string used to separate the feature names in the result.
points to the data for the current language.

5.5.3 Return Value

a pointer to a dynamically allocated string containing the concatenated feature names from a list of morphemes, or NULL

5.5.4 Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
#include "patr.h"
#include "opaclib.h"
void write_as_WordTemplate(unsigned char * pszForm_in,
                           KimmoResult *   pResults_in,
                           KimmoData *     pKimmo_in,
                           FILE *          pOutputFP_in)
KimmoResult *   pResult;
WordAnalysis *  pAnal;
WordTemplate *  pWord;

if ((pszForm_in == NULL) || (pOutputFP_in == NULL))
 *  allocate and initialize a WordTemplate structure
pWord = (WordTemplate *)allocMemory(sizeof(WordTemplate));
pWord->pszFormat    = NULL;
pWord->pszOrigWord  = pszForm_in;
pWord->paWord       = NULL;
pWord->pszNonAlpha  = NULL;
pWord->iCapital     = 0;
                      WANT_UNDERLYING    | WANT_ORIGINAL;
pWord->pAnalyses    = NULL;
pWord->pNewWords    = NULL;
 *  convert the results into a list of WordAnalysis structures
for ( pResult = pResults_in ; pResult ; pResult = pResult->pNext )
    pAnal = (WordAnalysis *)allocMemory(sizeof(WordAnalysis));
    pAnal->pszAnalysis       = (char *)concatKimmoMorphGlosses(
                                                " ",
    pAnal->pszDecomposition  = (char *)concatKimmoMorphLexemes(
    pAnal->pszCategory       = NULL;
    pAnal->pszProperties     = NULL;
    pAnal->pszFeatures       = (char *)concatKimmoMorphFeatures(
                                                " ",
    pAnal->pszUnderlyingForm = duplicateString(pResult->pszResult);
    pAnal->pszSurfaceForm    = pszForm_in;
    pAnal->pNext             = pWord->pAnalyses;
    pWord->pAnalyses         = pAnal;
 *  write the WordTemplate data and free the memory it used
writeTemplate(pOutputFP_in, NULL, pWord, NULL);
pWord->pszOrigWord = NULL;
for ( pAnal = pWord->pAnalyses ; pAnal ; pAnal = pAnal->pNext )
    pAnal->pszSurfaceForm = NULL;

5.5.5 Source File


5.6 concatKimmoMorphGlosses

5.6.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

unsigned char * concatKimmoMorphGlosses(
                                KimmoMorpheme * pMorphemes_in,
                                char *          pszSeparate_in,
                                KimmoData *     pKimmo_in);

5.6.2 Description

concatKimmoMorphGlosses concatenates the glosses from a list of morphemes created by applyKimmoRecognizer as part of a KimmoResult data structure.

The arguments to concatKimmoMorphGlosses are as follows:

points to a list of morpheme data structures, usually the pAnalysis element of a KimmoResult data structure.
points to a character string used to separate the morpheme glosses in the result.
points to the data for the current language.

5.6.3 Return Value

a pointer to a dynamically allocated string containing the concatenated glosses from a list of morphemes, or NULL

5.6.4 Example See section 5.5 concatKimmoMorphFeatures.

5.6.5 Source File `pckfuncs.c'

5.7 concatKimmoMorphLexemes

5.7.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

unsigned char * concatKimmoMorphLexemes(
                                KimmoMorpheme * pMorphemes_in,
                                char *          pszSeparate_in,
                                KimmoData *     pKimmo_in);

5.7.2 Description

concatKimmoMorphLexemes concatenates the lexical (underlying) forms from a list of morphemes created by applyKimmoRecognizer as part of a KimmoResult data structure.

The arguments to concatKimmoMorphLexemes are as follows:

points to a list of morpheme data structures, usually the pAnalysis element of a KimmoResult data structure.
points to a character string used to separate the morpheme lexical forms in the result.
points to the data for the current language.

5.7.3 Return Value

a pointer to a dynamically allocated string containing the concatenated lexical forms from a list of morphemes, or NULL

5.7.4 Example See section 5.5 concatKimmoMorphFeatures.

5.7.5 Source File `pckfuncs.c'

5.8 freeKimmoLexicon

5.8.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void freeKimmoLexicon(KimmoData * pKimmo_io);

5.8.2 Description

freeKimmoLexicon frees the memory used to store the lexicon portion of the KimmoData information.

freeKimmoLexicon has only one argument:

points to the data for the current language, which includes the lexicon.

5.8.3 Return Value


5.8.4 Example

#include <string.h> #include "kimmo.h" #include "patr.h" ... KimmoData sKimmoData_g; KimmoData sSynthesisData_g; /* for synthesis lexicon */ ... static void reset_synthesis_data() { sSynthesisData_g.bLimit = FALSE; sSynthesisData_g.iTraceLevel = 0; sSynthesisData_g.bUsePATR = FALSE; sSynthesisData_g.bSilent = FALSE; sSynthesisData_g.bShowWarnings = FALSE; sSynthesisData_g.bAlignment = FALSE; sSynthesisData_g.cGlossBegin = '\0'; sSynthesisData_g.cGlossEnd = '\0'; sSynthesisData_g.cComment = '\0'; sSynthesisData_g.pLogFP = NULL; sSynthesisData_g.ppszAlphabet = NULL; sSynthesisData_g.uiAlphabetSize = 0; sSynthesisData_g.cNull = '\0'; sSynthesisData_g.cAny = '\0'; sSynthesisData_g.cBoundary = '\0'; sSynthesisData_g.bTwoLCFile = FALSE; sSynthesisData_g.pSubsets = NULL; sSynthesisData_g.uiSubsetCount = 0; sSynthesisData_g.pAutomata = NULL; sSynthesisData_g.uiAutomataSize = 0; sSynthesisData_g.pFeasiblePairs = NULL; sSynthesisData_g.uiFeasiblePairsCount = 0; sSynthesisData_g.pszRulesFile = ; memset(&sSynthesisData_g.sPATR, 0, sizeof(PATRData)); }

void do_clear() { freeKimmoRules(&sKimmoData_g); freeKimmoLexicon(&sKimmoData_g); freePATRGrammar(&sKimmoData_g.sPATR); sKimmoData_g.bUsePATR = FALSE; freePATRInternalMemory(); reset_synthesis_data(); /* prevent double freeing */ freeKimmoLexicon(&sSynthesisData_g); }

5.8.5 Source File `lexicon.c'

5.9 freeKimmoResult

5.9.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void freeKimmoResult(KimmoResult * pResults_io);

5.9.2 Description

freeKimmoResult frees the memory used by a list of KimmoResult data structures.

freeKimmoResult has only one argument:

points to a dynamically allocated list of KimmoResult data structures.

5.9.3 Return Value


5.9.4 Example See section 5.1 applyKimmoGenerator, See section 5.2 applyKimmoRecognizer, or See section 5.3 applyKimmoSynthesizer.

5.9.5 Source File `pckfuncs.c'

5.10 freeKimmoRules

5.10.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void freeKimmoRules(KimmoData * pKimmo_io);

5.10.2 Description

freeKimmoRules frees the memory used to store the rules portion of the KimmoData information.

freeKimmoRules has only one argument:

points to the data for the current language, which includes the rules.

5.10.3 Return Value


5.10.4 Example See section 5.8 freeKimmoLexicon.

5.10.5 Source File `rules.c'

5.11 loadKimmoLexicon

5.11.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

int loadKimmoLexicon(unsigned char * pszLexiconFile_in,
                     int             eLexiconType_in,
                     KimmoData *     pKimmo_io);

5.11.2 Description

loadKimmoLexicon loads a PC-Kimmo lexicon, starting with the primary lexicon file. If a lexicon has already been loaded, then the existing lexicon is erased before this lexicon file is read.

The arguments to loadKimmoLexicon are as follows:

points to a character string containing the name of the primary lexicon file.
has one of these two values:
means that the morphemes are accessed by lexical (underlying) form.
means that the morphemes are accessed by morpheme name (gloss).
points to the data for the current language, which includes the lexicon.

5.11.3 Return Value

zero if successful, -1 if an error occurs

5.11.4 Example

#include "kimmo.h"
#include "patr.h"
KimmoData	sKimmoData_g;
 *  load the PC-Kimmo data files.
 *  return the number of files successfully loaded (0-3)
int load_kimmo_files(char * pszRules_in,
		     char * pszLexicon_in,
		     char * pszGrammar_in)
if (loadKimmoRules(pszRules_in, &sKimmoData_g) != 0)
    return 0;
if (loadKimmoLexicon(pszLexicon_in,
		     KIMMO_ANALYSIS, &sKimmoData_g) != 0)
    return 1;
if (loadPATRGrammar(pszGrammar_in, &sKimmoData_g.sPATR) == 0)
    return 2;
return 3;

5.11.5 Source File


5.12 loadKimmoRules

5.12.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

int loadKimmoRules(unsigned char * pszRuleFile_in,
                   KimmoData *     pKimmo_io);

5.12.2 Description

loadKimmoRules loads a PC-Kimmo rules file. If rules have already been loaded, then the existing rules and lexicon are erased before this rules file is read.

The arguments to loadKimmoRules are as follows:

points to a character string containing the name of the PC-Kimmo rules file.
points to the data for the current language, which includes the rules.

5.12.3 Return Value

zero if okay, -1 if an error occurs

5.12.4 Example See section 5.11 loadKimmoLexicon.

5.12.5 Source File `file.c'

5.13 setKimmoRuleStatus

5.13.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void setKimmoRuleStatus(int         iRule_in,
                        int         bValue_in,
                        KimmoData * pKimmo_io);

5.13.2 Description

setKimmoRuleStatus sets the status (active or inactive) of a given PC-Kimmo rule. The set of feasible pairs is automatically recomputed as a side effect of calling this function.

The arguments to setKimmoRuleStatus are as follows:

is the number of a loaded PC-Kimmo rule. The first rule is numbered 1, not 0 as in C arrays. If iRule_in is equal to zero (0), then all of the rules are turned on or off according to bValue_in.
is TRUE to make the rule active, or FALSE (zero) to make the rule inactive.
points to the data for the current language, which includes the rules.

5.13.3 Return Value


5.13.4 Example

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
#include "cportlib.h"
KimmoData       sKimmoData_g;
void do_set_rule(char * pszArgument_in, int bValue_in)
int     i;
char *  pszNumber;
char *  pszNext;

if (    (strcasecmp(pszArgument_in, "all") == 0) ||
        (strcasecmp(pszArgument_in, "al")  == 0) ||
        (strcasecmp(pszArgument_in, "a")   == 0) )
    setKimmoRuleStatus(0, bValue_in, &sKimmoData_g);
for (pszNumber = pszArgument_in ; *pszNumber ; pszNumber = pszNext)
    i = strtol(pszNumber, &pszNext, 10);
    if (pszNext == pszNumber)
    if ((i > 0) && (i <= sKimmoData_g.uiAutomataSize))
        setKimmoRuleStatus(i, bValue_in, &sKimmoData_g);
if (*pszNumber != '\0')
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument to SET RULE: \"%s\"\n",

5.13.5 Source File


5.14 writeKimmoFeasiblePairs

5.14.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void writeKimmoFeasiblePairs(FILE *      pOutputFP_in,
                             KimmoData * pKimmo_in);

5.14.2 Description

writeKimmoFeasiblePairs writes a list of the current PC-Kimmo feasible pairs to the output file.

The arguments to writeKimmoFeasiblePairs are as follows:

is an output FILE pointer.
points to the data for the current language, which includes the current set of feasible pairs.

5.14.3 Return Value


5.14.4 Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
extern char * strlwr P((char * pszString_io));
KimmoData	sKimmoData_g;
void do_list(char * pszArgument_in)
if (	(strcmp(pszArgument_in, "l")       == 0) ||
	(strcmp(pszArgument_in, "lexicon") == 0) )
    writeKimmoLexiconSectionNames(stderr, &sKimmoData_g);
else if ((strcmp(pszArgument_in, "p")     == 0) ||
	 (strcmp(pszArgument_in, "pairs") == 0) )
    writeKimmoFeasiblePairs(stderr, &sKimmoData_g);
else if ((strcmp(pszArgument_in, "r")     == 0) ||
	 (strcmp(pszArgument_in, "rules") == 0) )
    writeKimmoRulesStatus(stderr, &sKimmoData_g);
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument for list command: %s\n",

5.14.5 Source File


5.15 writeKimmoLexiconSection

5.15.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

int writeKimmoLexiconSection(unsigned char * pszLexSection_in,
                             FILE *          pOutputFP_in,
                             KimmoData *     pKimmo_in);

5.15.2 Description

writeKimmoLexiconSection writes the designated section of the PC-Kimmo lexicon to the output file. This is useful only for debugging purposes.

The arguments to writeKimmoLexiconSection are as follows:

points to the name of a section of the PC-Kimmo lexicon.
is an output FILE pointer.
points to the data for the current language, which includes the lexicon.

5.15.3 Return Value

TRUE if successful, FALSE if the lexicon section does not exist

5.15.4 Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "rpterror.h"
KimmoData       sKimmoData_g;
void show_lexicon(char * pszLexName_in)
if ((pszLexName_in == NULL) || (pszLexName_in[0] == '\0'))
                           NULL, 0,
                           "SHOW LEXICON" );
else if (writeKimmoLexiconSection(pszLexName_in, stderr,
                                  &sKimmoData_g) == FALSE)
                           NULL, 0,
                           "SHOW LEXICON", pszLexName_in);

5.15.5 Source File


5.16 writeKimmoLexiconSectionNames

5.16.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void writeKimmoLexiconSectionNames(FILE *      pOutputFP_in,
                                   KimmoData * pKimmo_in);

5.16.2 Description

writeKimmoLexiconSectionNames writes a list of the PC-Kimmo lexicon section names to the output file.

The arguments to writeKimmoLexiconSectionNames are as follows:

is an output FILE pointer.
points to the data for the current language, which includes the lexicon.

5.16.3 Return Value


5.16.4 Example See section 5.14 writeKimmoFeasiblePairs.

5.16.5 Source File `lexicon.c'

5.17 writeKimmoResults

5.17.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void writeKimmoResults(KimmoResult * pResults_in,
                       FILE *        pOutputFP_in,
                       KimmoData *   pKimmo_in);

5.17.2 Description

writeKimmoResults writes a list of PC-Kimmo results to the output file. If pResults_in is NULL, then nothing is written to the output file.

The arguments to writeKimmoResults are as follows:

points to a list of PC-Kimmo processing results as produced by applyKimmoGenerator, applyKimmoRecognizer, or applyKimmoSynthesizer.
is an output FILE pointer.
points to the data for the current language.

5.17.3 Return Value


5.17.4 Example See section 5.1 applyKimmoGenerator, See section 5.2 applyKimmoRecognizer, or See section 5.3 applyKimmoSynthesizer.

5.17.5 Source File `pckfuncs.c'

5.18 writeKimmoRule

5.18.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void writeKimmoRule(unsigned    uiRuleNumber_in,
                    FILE *      pOutputFP_in,
                    KimmoData * pKimmo_in);

5.18.2 Description

writeKimmoRule writes the designated PC-Kimmo rule to the output file. This is useful only for debugging purposes.

The arguments to writeKimmoRule are as follows:

is the 1-based index number of a PC-Kimmo rule loaded from a rules file.
is an output FILE pointer.
points to the data for the current language.

5.18.3 Return Value


5.18.4 Example

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "kimmo.h"
#include "cmd.h"
KimmoData       sKimmoData_g;
void do_show_rule(char * pszArgument_in)
int     k;

if (pszArgument_in == (char *)NULL)
                           NULL, 0,
                           "SHOW RULE");
k = atoi(pszArgument_in);
if (   (k <= 0) ||
       (k >  sKimmoData_g.uiAutomataSize) )
                           NULL, 0,
                           "SHOW RULE", pszArgument_in);
    writeKimmoRule( k, stderr, &sKimmoData_g );

5.18.5 Source File


5.19 writeKimmoRulesStatus

5.19.1 Syntax

#include "kimmo.h"

void writeKimmoRulesStatus(FILE *      pOutputFP_in,
                           KimmoData * pKimmo_in);

5.19.2 Description

writeKimmoRulesStatus writes the status ("on" or "off" and name for each of the PC-Kimmo rules currently loaded from a rules file.

The arguments to writeKimmoRulesStatus are as follows:

is an output FILE pointer.
points to the data for the current language, which includes the rules.

5.19.3 Return Value


5.19.4 Example See section 5.14 writeKimmoFeasiblePairs.

5.19.5 Source File `file.c'

6. Index

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