Forms info: Results

Viewing result summary

On the main page there is a link called Modify existing forms / view results. Follow this link, and you get a page listing all forms in the system. Every form has a link called results next to it. Follow this link to see the result summary for the form.

Results are public, so no password is needed to browse the results. This may change in the future. The system is not otherwise foolproof, either; see 05_Security for further discussion.

Two kinds of aggregate information is shown for multiple choice questions. The first is a summary of the numerical values of the answers to each question. The other one shows an answer count and percentage of each individual choice.

The numerical values of the choices are defined thus: If the choice is a number, its numerical value is that number. Otherwise, its numerical value is one bigger that that of the previous choice. If the first choice is non-numerical, it is assigned a value of 1.

Viewing individual answers

At the end of the result summary there is a collection of links which are named after the questions. Following a link will give you a list of individual answers on that question. If you want to know who gave which answer, see the next part.

Viewing answer groups

In the list of individual answers, every answer is followed by a right-pointing arrow. Follow this link to see the answers given at the same time, i.e. in the same answer. This way you can, for example, identify an answer if you have a field asking for replyers name on the form.