mupdatetest − interactive MUPDATE test program


mupdatetest [ −p port ] [ −m mechanism ]
[ −u user ] [ −a user ] [ −k num ] [ −l num ]
[ −r realm ] [ −f file ] [ −n num ] [ −c ]
[ −v ] hostname


mupdatetest is a utility that allows you to authenticate to a MUPDATE server and interactively issue commands to it. Once authenticated you may issue any MUPDATE command by simply typing it in. It is capable of multiple SASL authentication mechanisms and handles encryption layers transparently. This utility is often used for testing the operation of a mupdate server. Note that you must be an admin in order to authenticate to an mupdate server.


−p port

Port to connect to. If left off this defaults to mupdate as defined in /etc/services.

-m mechanism

Force mupdatetest to use mechanism for authentication. If not specified the strongest authentication mechanism supported by the server is chosen.

-u user

Username to use for authentication; defaults to the current user.

-a user

Authname to use for authentication; defaults to the current user.

-k num

Minimum protection layer required.

-l num

Maximum protection layer to use (0=none; 1=integrity; etc). For example if you are using the KERBEROS_V4 authentication mechanism specifying 0 will force mupdatetest to not use any layer and specifying 1 will force it to use the integrity layer. By default the maximum supported protection layer will be used.

-r realm

Specify the realm to use. Certain authentication mechanisms (e.g. DIGEST-MD5) may require one to specify the realm.

-f file

Pipe file into connection after authentication.

-n num

Number of authentication attempts; default = 1. The client will attempt to fast reauth (e.g. DIGEST-MD5), if possible.


Enable challenge prompt callbacks. This will cause the OTP mechanism to ask for the the one-time password instead of the secret pass-phrase (library generates the correct response).


Verbose. Print out more information than usual.

